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What is OSEIC Sarawak?OSEIC Sarawak is an early intervention center set up to work on the developmental, health and support needs of babies and young children diagnosed with Autism, Down Syndrome and Learning Disabilities.
What are the benefits of registering your child with OSEIC Sarawak?Your child will have access to appropriate intervention within a safe and conducive environment. Your child’s special need can be meet through his/her own IEP (Individual Education Plan). Your child development and functional outcomes can be enhanced through delivery of OSEIC Sarawak’s effective, outcome-based high-quality early intervention services.
What is the age requirement for enrolment?OSEIC Sarawak accepts children aged 6 years old and below.
What are the services offered in OSEIC Sarawak?OSEIC Sarawak provides Early Intervention services which include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy. Free assessment by our visiting panel doctor. Our aim is to help facilitate the development of gross motor skill, fine motor skill, perceptual, cognitive, language, socialization and self-help skills of the child.
How can I register my child?Via the link provided on our official Facebook page. Please search for OSEIC Sarawak at Facebook. All online registration will be followed up with an interview. Please make an appointment with us by calling 082-544415 or WhatsApp 012-8867874 and register personally in OSEIC. Remember: As part of the registration process, you and your child will have to attend an interview at the centre.
How much are the fees?RM50 monthly for a once a week session RM100 monthly for a twice a week session
What are OSEIC operating hours?Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm Saturday: Closed Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed
Does OSEIC Sarawak operate like a school or a kindergarten?OSEIC Sarawak doesn’t operate like a school or a kindergarten and we are definitely not a day care centre. As a parent or guardian, you are required to accompany your child for all his/her early intervention sessions and continue the intervention activities at home. Parental involvement at home is crucial to sustain the benefits of the program and ensure optimal learning outcome for your child.
Where is the location of OSEIC Sarawak?We are situated in Metrocity, Matang, Kuching. Our address is: Lot14250, Section 65 KTLD, 36C, Metrocity Commercial Precint, Jalan Matang, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak. Google Maps One-Stop Early Intervention Centre (OSEIC)
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?ASD is a lifelong developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life which affects a child’s communication, social interaction skills and pattern of behaviors.
What causes ASD?There is no known single cause for autism, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism versus neuro-typical children. Autism is not caused by a person’s upbringing or their social circumstances and is not the fault of the individual with the condition. While children with autism are not ‘curable’, they can be helped especially if their autism is diagnosed early in life.
What are the signs and symptoms of autism?A child with autism may have some of the following characteristics: Lack of or delay in the spoken language Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects) Little or no eye contact Lack of interest in peer relationships Lack of spontaneous play Persistent fixation on parts of objects Difficulty in dealing with changes to routine May have sensory issues May have limited diet, problems with digestion, and problems with toileting.
How can a child be diagnosed as autistic?Diagnosis of ASD should be made by a specialist clinically based on comprehensive history and observation.
At what age can a child be diagnosed as autistic?Identifying ASD is difficult before the age of 12 months but diagnosis is generally possible by the age of 2 years. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children be screened for autism between age of 18 and 24 months. The average age of earliest ASD diagnosis in the Unites States is 4.4 years (CDC 2014). Studies have shown that one third to half of parents of children with ASD noticed a problem before their child’s first birthday, and nearly 80%–90% saw problems by 2 years of age.
What are the treatment available?Early intervention approaches such as behavioral therapy, play therapy, sensory integration therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy to lessen the symptoms and improve the child’s learning and development.
Is there any way to prevent a child from having autism?There is no way to prevent autism spectrum disorder, but early diagnosis and intervention is the most effective in helping to improve behavior, skills and language development. Early intervention not only gives children the best start possible, but also enables them to develop to their full potential. The sooner a child gets help, the greater the chance for learning and progress. As Autism is complex, it takes time for a children with ASD to find the best intervention program for them.
What is ADHD?Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactive and impulsive behavior that is more frequent and severe than typically seen in a child at a given developmental stage. It usually appears in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children diagnosed with ADHD consistently have issues with fidgeting, concentrating, and maintaining eye contact with others. These symptoms are also seen in children with autism. Despite some similarities, ADHD isn’t considered a spectrum disorder. One major difference between the two is that children with ADHD do not tend to lack social - communicative skills. Nonetheless, it is also possible for a person to have both autism and ADHD. Getting a clear diagnosis is essential to ensure that your child is receiving the right treatment.
ReferencesAutism spectrum disorder - Symptoms and causes. (2018). Retrieved 22 October 2020, from Hussain, N., Hashim, A., Abd Malek, A., Ang, W., Ee, S., & Muhd Ramli, E. et al. (2020). Management of Attention - Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescent (2nd ed.). Putrajaya: Malaysian Health Technology Assessment Section (MaHTAS) Medical Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia. Renee, A. (2018). What Are the Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder? Retrieved 22 October 2020, from Signs & Symptoms | Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | NCBDDD | CDC. (2019). Retrieved 21 October 2020, from Timothy, J., & Kristeen, C. (2018). What Is Autism? Symptoms, Causes, Tests, Treatment, and More. Retrieved 22 October 2020, from Walking with my Special Child: Handbook for Parents of Children with Special Needs. What are the treatments for autism?. (2017). Retrieved 22 October 2020, from Wiggins, L., Levy, S., Daniels, J., Schieve, L., Croen, L., & DiGuiseppi, C. et al. (2015). Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Among Children Enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders, 45(10), 3183-3194. doi: 10.1007/s10803-015-2476-8
What is Down Syndrome?A genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21.
How can it be diagnosed?Chromosome blood test. Nuchal translucency test.
How many types of Down Syndrome are there?There are 3 types of Down Syndrome : Trisomy 21; Translocation; Mosaicism.
What are the characteristics of Down Syndrome?Low muscle tone. A short neck. A single crease across the palm of the hand. A slightly flattened facial profile. An upward slant of the eyes.
What are common complications of Down Syndrome?Delayed development, learning disability & speech problems. Congenital heart disease Abnormal gut development. Susceptibility to infections Hearing and visual problems Abnormal thyroid function. Cancer
What is Hypotonia?Hypotonia or low muscle tone is a muscle weakness usually detected at birth and this is called floppy muscles syndrome. It also affects muscles strength, motor nerves and brain. This includes joint instability at the hip, kneecap, neck and foot instability.
What are the signs of Hypotonia?Having little or no control of their neck muscle. Delay in gross motor skills and fine motor skills development. Decrease in muscle tone Decrease in strength Poor reflexes Hyper flexibility Speech difficulties Decrease in activity endurance
ReferencesHypotonia. (2018). Retrieved 20 October 2020, from, J., Lee, L., & S. Sivanesom, R. (2012). Down Syndrome - PORTAL MyHEALTH. Retrieved 20 October 2020, from
What is Learning Disability (LD)?A learning disability is an area of weakness or inefficiency in brain function that significantly hinders our ability to learn. It is a pattern of neurological dysfunction in the brain that causes a person to have difficulty in: Receiving information (perception), Processing information (cognition/thinking), or Responding to information (written and verbal expression, visual-motor coordination, memory, etc.)
What is the cause of Learning Disabilities?There is still no known cause of LD. Studies suggest that LD could be : Hereditary : an unborn baby inheriting certain genes from its parents that make having a learning disability more likely – known as inherited learning disability; Environmental : the mother becoming ill during pregnancy; Problems during the birth that stop enough oxygen getting to the brain; Illness, such as meningitis; Injury in early childhood. It has been confirmed that injuries to the brain prenatally or after birth can trigger LD which damages the brain path that process information.
How many types of Learning Disabilities are there?There are 8 types of learning disability: Dyslexia (difficulty with reading) Dysgraphia (difficulty with writing) Dyscalculia (difficulty with mathematics) Dyspraxia (SI Disorder – problems in motor coordination) Auditory Processing Disorder (difficulty hearing differences between sounds) Non – verbal Learning Disorder (difficulty with non – verbal cues such as body language) Visual Perceptual Deficit (difficulty in interpreting visual information or drawing) Language Processing disorder (dysphasia/aphasia)
What is the “red flags” of LD in preschool children?Problems pronouncing words. Trouble finding the right word. Difficulty rhyming. Difficulty learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week. Difficulty following directions or learning routines. Difficulty controlling crayons, pencils, and scissors, or coloring within the lines. Difficulty with buttons, zippers, snaps, and shoe laces.
How is LD diagnosed?If parents are worried or have concerns regarding a child’s development or learning : They can bring the child to the nearest health centre or any health facilities nearby. Parents can also highlight their concerns to the Maternal and Child Health Clinic during the child’s regular visit to the clinic.
What is the treatment for Learning Disabilities?The child’s most beneficial treatment will be special education services, including a multi-disciplinary team approach in planning the child’s Early Intervention Programme.
What is the differences between Learning Disability and Learning Disorder?Learning disabilities is defined as “Specific Developmental Disorders” in International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition (ICD-10). However, it was renamed “Developmental Learning Disorder” in the recently released ICD-11 and subtyped as those with impairment in reading, written expression, mathematics, and with other specified impairment of learning. The term “Learning Disorder” is often used in the medical setting while “Specific Learning Disability” is used in the school setting.
Is Learning disability is an Intellectual disability?LD is not an Intellectual Disability (mental retardation). Children with LD have an age-appropriate IQ with certain problems in processing information. In fact, most are just as smart as everyone else. Their brains are simply wired differently, thus this difference affects how they receive and process information particularly.
How can I tell if my child has a learning disability?Based on DSM-5 (the manual that psychiatrists use to diagnose disorders) there are four criteria for a diagnosis of “Specific Learning Disorder”: (1) Symptoms persist for at least 6 months despite extra help or targeted instruction; (2) Affected skills are below age expectations and cause impairment in academic, occupational or everyday activities, as confirmed by testing and comprehensive clinical assessment; (3) Problem starts during the school-age years; and (4) Problem not due to other conditions (such as Intellectual Disability, vision or hearing impairment) If you have concerns regarding your child’s development or learning problems, please refer to the nearest pediatrician for further evaluation.
ReferencesAbdul Manaf, A., & S. Sivanesom, R. (2017). Child Development: Specific Learning Disability - PORTAL MyHEALTH. Retrieved 23 October 2020, from C. Lloyd, W. (2018). Learning Disabilities. Retrieved 23 October 2020, from Cunningham, B. What’s the Difference Between Learning Disabilities and Intellectual Disabilities?. Retrieved 23 October 2020, from Detecting Learning Disabilities. Retrieved 23 October 2020, from Jacobson, S. (2019). Learning Disability vs Learning Difficulty vs Learning Disorder - The Debate Continues - Harley Therapy™ Blog. Retrieved 22 October 2020, from Learning disabilities. (2018). Retrieved 23 October 2020, from,oxygen%20getting%20to%20the%20brain Learning Disabilities in Children Malaysia. Retrieved 23 October 2020, from Learning Disorders and Disabilities | Boston Children's Hospital. Retrieved 23 October 2020, from,encountering%20unusual%20difficulty%20with%20their Vidyadharan, V., & Tharayil, H. (2019). Learning Disorder or Learning Disability: Time to Rethink. Indian Journal Of Psychological Medicine, 41(3), 276-278. doi: 10.4103/ijpsym.ijpsym_371_18 What are the treatments for learning disabilities?. (2018). Retrieved 23 October 2020, from
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